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Quick Update

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the prayers. Quick update- we found out on Thursday that one of our two embryos that were struggling pulled through and they were able to perform the biopsy on it. So total we have 6 beautiful little embryos that have been tested and we are awaiting the CCS results.

It will be a few weeks before we know anything so until then we are praying for healthy, normal embryos so we can work towards growing our family. Once I have the report back, I will explain more about what CCS is and what our results mean.

Thank you all so much- keep those prayers coming for our 6 little frosties. I once attended a class about prayer and I learned this- we are to ask God specifically for what we want vs generally. Here is the prayer I have been saying, if you so feel inclined I would love for you to pray with me.

Lord, thank you so much saving our embryo. Thank you for blessing us with 6 beautiful embryos and 6 opportunities at growing our family. Thank you Lord for blessing us with the finances to afford this test and this route to even have a baby. We ask that you bless the hands of those doing the testing. That you help them to get true and accurate answers for us. We pray Lord for healthy normal embryos. Please Lord let 4 or more be normal. Please Lord guide our doctors to choose the best embryo of those 4. Please Lord help us to grow our family. We thank you Lord for all that you do for us daily. In your name I pray, Amen.


Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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