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Oliver Harrison

Today is all about our Oliver Harrison, aka Ollie. Oliver was our twin A originally, and should have been our first born, but he never stops moving. In fact he moved so much and Cooper was so calm he wiggled himself all the way to the top of my belly and wound up being born second. That was the last time he was ever second to anything else in his life.

This little over achiever talked early, crawled early, sat early, walked early (way before he was 1- do not recommend early walkers they are a pain in the butt! Ha!) and has exceeded every learning milestone put in front of him. He would be content sitting in a classroom all day reciting shapes, colors, numbers, letters and anything else he could absorb. He is a little nerd, just like his mommy.

Because his little brain never shuts off, he also never sleeps. He just started sleeping through the night a few months ago and by that I mean he falls asleep around 9 most nights and has us up at a sunny 5:30am most mornings. We will take it however over the 1-2 hour night waking we used to deal with.

We are convinced that Oliver thinks he is an adult, taking any and all opportunities to boss his brother Coopie around (who completely ignores him) and reminds his parents with a swift pinch when he is told no that he disagrees with our call. Unlike his brother he is a social butterfly. He wants attention and affection constantly and we hear about a hundred times a day, “hold my hand” as he guides us to our next activity.

His favorite things include his trampoline, reading books and he hasn’t met a vehicle yet he doesn’t love. Most days we stand in the window and name the vehicles as they pass by with proper terms like cement mixer, flat bed truck and pickup truck. When playing outside we always have to pause when an airplane or helicopter fly over or the train whistle sounds.

Oliver’s endless energy is contagious. His zest for learning, crazy laugh and the goofy way he runs brings us more joy than he’ll ever know. He is our natural born leader in all ways and I can’t wait to see what path in life he chooses because he is destined for great things. We love you buddy, happy 3rd birthday sweet boy!


Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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