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2021- A Year in Review

On New Year’s Eve I think we all take time to reflect back on the year. What a year it has been- for all of us, but for Rob and me especially. A rollercoaster of highs and lows- starting the year at an absolute low point for me and ending the year on such a high has me feeling grateful and ready to reflect. So, here’s to my final blog of 2021, and in the new year I plan on sharing more about this baby we are growing!

To officially say goodbye to 2021 I’m counting back the months and reflecting back on a year that brought us so much change!

January: Oh man, my least favorite month of last year-my miscarriage with Noah was a long road and I was at my lowest point in Jan still miscarrying, still bleeding and very much grieving that loss. That was a dark month, I was not myself and that loss was the hardest thing I have endured in my ten years of dealing with infertility. We did take time to celebrate the New Year with friends, a great distraction from the grief.

February: We took a leap of faith and thawed our 7 remaining embryos to genetically test them. Best decision we’ve made in our journey, it saved us so much heartache getting this information. We learned that of our 7, 4 were normal!

March: We were all set for transfer #6 to bring home our rainbow baby, but in a crushing turn of events it was cancelled and we learned that I needed a surgery to remove my tubes, more polyps and get my endometriosis under control. This meant a 6 month delay in getting pregnant…again.

April: We sold and bought a new home! Something we had talked about for years and we finally were able to make it happen!

May: We moved into our new home on the lake to enjoy a full summer on the water as a family! We moved in on our big birthday weekend- the boys and I share a birthday so it was extra fun celebrating this year!

June: Another huge change for our family- I started a new job with Creative Memories and for the first time in my boys life they started daycare at the YMCA. The transition was tough but the best decision we’ve made for them. They are thriving and LOVE their class!

On the flip side I had my surgery in June which was emotional to lose my tubes- the only chance of ever being able to get pregnant “naturally.”

July: Our first 4th on the water! We celebrated with family and friends, and started our first round of meds towards transferring our rainbow 😊 All were great distractions as Noah’s due date came and went and we were still not pregnant. We celebrated the little boy we never got to meet, we talk about him all the time, keeping him alive in our own way.

August: Rob and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary!

September: On Monday, September 13th we transferred our precious little girl- nine long days later we found out it worked!

October: We saw our little girls heart beating for the first time! It was a rough start to this pregnancy (a story for another day) so it was a huge relief to know this pregnancy was real and she was okay! We also had the best Halloween with the boys so far, so much fun watching them run from house to house, pure joy on their faces!

November: We announced our pregnancy officially!

December: We started the renovation on our new house, celebrated the best Christmas with our kids so far and baby girl is now big enough to feel kicks and movement which is the best feeling in the entire world.

This year started off so dark, so hopeless. I fought harder this year than I had in a long time to expand our family. I endured multiple surgeries, a loss, a cancelled transfer, a move, a new job, a scary transfer and yet came out on the other side. From hopeless to full of hope, we enter 2022 with so much anticipation of who this little soul will be joining our family. With bated breath we wait, only 21 more weeks until the next greatest gift arrives!


Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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