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A long overdo Vacation!

Picture snow drifts, below zero temperatures and frozen lakes everywhere you look. Welcome to winter in Minnesota. Most years it’s 5 long months of this, and it gets old, quickly! This year was no different, which is why after our tough Christmas Rob and I started tossing around the idea of a real week long beach vacation. Now talking about a trip and actually booking one are two very different things. I didn’t actually get Rob to commit and book a vacation until the end of February and we left in March, talk about last minute trip, but that’s how we roll!

The timing couldn’t have been more perfect as Rob celebrated his 33rd birthday in March, a great time to get away and celebrate my hunky husband. Rob and I have now flown together 3 times…our honeymoon to Cozumel, Mexico, my brother in laws wedding in Daytona, Florida and now to Cancun, Mexico! Each time that we have traveled we drive to Minneapolis the night before and stay in a hotel and each time I’ve bought tickets for us to go see a MN team in action. Last time we took in a Wolves game and this time for Rob’s birthday I bought him Wild tickets!

Such a great year to take in a game as they are now in the second round of playoffs! Maybe this is the year a MN professional team will take it all the way…go WILD!

The next morning was the typical hurry up and wait game when flying. Rush to the airport…wait in line…get a boarding pass rush to security…wait in line…find gate, eat, wait…you get the point. Everything was going smoothly until our plane took off and the cabin never pressurized, so five short minutes into our flight we were turned around and heading back to the airport. Luckily it only took about an hour to fix our plane but still an hour into our vacation was gone. Don’t worry, we made up for it in daiquiris and margaritas our first night there!

Rob and I were so excited as we stayed in an adult’s only resort for the first time and let me tell you it was fabulous! I didn’t realize how relaxing and quiet a resort could be with no kids around. We stayed at the Golden Parnassus in Cancun. Now the resort was nice, nothing fancy but what they lacked in updated buildings they made up for 10 fold in amazing staff! Everyone was so kind and almost everyone spoke English. The bartenders were by far my favorite- funny, personable and kept the drinks coming just how we like it! The sand was white, the water was teal and the sun was hot all week! We couldn’t have asked for better weather! The waves were a bit rough in front of our resort but it made playing in the ocean a lot more fun!

Besides laying on the beach Rob and I did a couple of fun activities away from our resort. Our first full day in Cancun we took a ride on a river boat around the lake in Cancun.

It was fun to see the city from the lake, we had a very nice calm day so the ride was relaxing and they served us lunch on the boat, the food was fantastic! We met people from all over the globe on this boat ride and of course like every excursion in Mexico there was booze and entertainment too! It was a great first day!

About halfway through our trip Rob and I signed up for an excursion that included us renting our own speed boat, driving it through the lake and out to the ocean and spending about an hour snorkeling on the reef.

Now I am a total water bug…I grew up on the water, was on the diving team in high school and into college. Water is where I’m most relaxed and at home. Rob is another story. He doesn’t know how to swim and had never snorkeled before but really wanted to try this time. This ended up being one of the most proud moments in my marriage to Rob, watching him conquer his greatest fear and snorkeling for the first time! I will never forget this day and the big smile on his face the entire ride back to the dock.

One of our last days in Cancun we ventured into town and had dinner at Carlos and Charlie’s.

Eating dinner in Cancun is like paying for dinner and a show. There were people dancing, making balloon animals, shot girls and constant motion throughout the restaurant. Dinner was entertaining to say the least. We had a few drinks on the strip in Cancun and then headed back to the resort to gear up for our last day in paradise.

The final day in Mexico was spent relaxing on the beach, taking one last swim, one last walk on the sand, one last drink around the tiki bar all leading up to drinks on our private patio and a romantic dinner for two served to us in our room.

Cancun gave us a week without worries and stress, a week without technology and the urge to constantly click the Facebook icon. It gave us a week alone to connect, laugh, play, joke and fall deeper in love. Coming back to reality was hard but after a week of relaxation we came back refreshed and ready to pick up where we left off. Our battle for baby K is more stressful and desperate than ever but we are also stronger than ever. So thank you Cancun for giving us the strength to gear up for the battle still ahead of us.

With renewed energy and hope,

With Bated Breath

Meet Rob & Amber

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