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Birthdays, Concerts and Engagements Oh My!

This has been a year of milestone birthdays amongst our friends. I turned 30 last May, Jackie in September, Ronna in October, Cassandra in December, Steph in January, Brittany in April and this weekend we’ll be helping Rachel ring in her big 3-0. So lots of drinking….I mean celebrating has happened ;)

I shared photos from Ronna’s big bash in October so thought it was only fair to share some of the fun from Steph’s party a few months ago. Stay tuned for pics from this weekend’s bash soon!

We rang in Steph’s 30th birthday by trying to celebrate the way we did when we were 21…you can tell from the progression of blurry photos that we did a pretty darn good job!

Let me tell you beer pong at 30 is not quite the same as it was back then for two reasons. One- either the cups have gotten smaller or we are not quite as good in the aim department. I’m going with the cups! Secondly- the games seemed to take quite a bit longer than they did back in the day. See problem one as to why this happened. Either way having an excuse to get together with amazing friends is always a good day in my book!

A couple weeks later Rob and I were able to get in another concert…one of our favorite things to do! In fact we just bought tickets for Little Big Town in July…so excited! Rob surprised me in December with Kacey Musgrave’s tickets at State Theater in downtown Minneapolis.

This venue first of all was AMAZING! It’s an old theater and a very intimate concert. Kacey is one of my favorite singers, I swear she is better live then on CD! Her opening act was a band called John and Jacob. If you’ve never heard their music before check out Be My Girl by them and you’ll be blown away by the talent this young band has. I would see them again in a heartbeat!

Knowing we were going to the cities for the weekend for this concert we thought it would be perfect to use that time to get together with friends that we don’t see near enough! The timing could not have been more perfect as just a week or two before Brittany and Jay had gotten engaged! It was a reunion and celebration all in one! We got to spend time snuggling Jackie’s daughter Elena and playing with Britt’s son Camden…so fun to watch these cute kiddos grow up!

It worked out perfectly that Britt’s sister and Jackie’s mom both live in MSP and were able to take the kiddos for a night while us 30 somethings decided to paint the town. Which of course led us to all of our fav bar The Shout House singing along with the piano man and having the best time.

Too often we let our busy lives take us away from the people we love and things in life that bring us pure joy. We are so excited to take time out of our crazy lives so spend with friends again this weekend. Now back to packing I need to get ready for another round of dirty 30 celebrating, the check liver light will be on in a few hours so note to self-pack aspirin and water! Look out Rachel here we come!

Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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