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Where There's Rain, There's a Rainbow

I think by now we’ve established that Rob and I have had our fair share of rain, but with any good rain comes a beautiful rainbow. The rainbow has biblical meaning but I look at as a promise of better days. It represents hope in a way. July was one of the worst months in my life; it was our great flood of sadness and emotion. We could have used that as an excuse to hide from the world, relish the anger and create excuses to live in pity. But, if we’ve learned anything in this process it’s that life is precious and to celebrate the good because it helps heal the bad. So I’m dedicating this blog to the rainbows that followed the rain.

Rob is an amazing husband and is great about surprising me with getaways. It makes me fall in love all over again when he does this. I’m like a little girl with butterflies in her stomach. He once again had amazing timing and had planned a surprise weekend away on Lake Mille Lacs with an added bonus of Lady Antebellum tickets, our favorite band.

This was either going to be a celebrate a baby vacation or in our case heal from our loss getaway. This time to connect was so needed and gave us the time alone together to celebrate our marriage and all the good that is there. We spent the weekend doing our favorite things, getting in a great concert, time on the lake in our pontoon and a little antique shopping to boot. All in all it was perfect and I will never be able to thank Rob enough for his perfect timing and spoiling me that weekend.

August 23rd 2014 I watched my little sister Colie walk down the isle to the man of her dreams.

It was a perfect day filled with love and laughter and to be cheesy a happy ever after. She made a beautiful bride on the inside and out! Coming on the heels of a very tough month this was the perfect reason to be happy again. It brought Rob and I back to our wedding day and the vows we made to each other.

I am so grateful to have been her maid of honor and stand by her side on one of the most important days of her life. Rob is my rock and our marriage is incredibly strong and stable. I pray that she and Andy know the love that Rob and I have in our marriage!

September marked some big milestones. My youngest sister Sydney turned 16! I am so grateful that Rob and I live in Alex and can be near her to watch her grow up. We were able to get a round of golf in with Syd at the end of the summer and it's these fun random days that I love the most!

On September 26th 2014 one of our best and closest friends Jackie & Matt welcomed their beautiful little girl Elena into the world.

She couldn’t be any more perfect and I fell head over heels in love with this little peanut upon first sight. It is amazing to watch your friends grow up along side of you but nothing prepares you like seeing a friend become a mother right before your eyes. It is beautiful!

October 2014 was big month with tons of celebrations! October 4th another set of our closest friends Steph and Chad celebrated their son Chase’s first birthday.

That little boy has the best smile, just watch him play with mom and dad and you will see what true love looks like. They are amazing parents and we are so lucky that they let us share Chase when we are in need of a baby fix!

We celebrated 2 weddings in October. Rob's cousin Ashley was married to Tanner. I don't think there was a dry eye in the church when their son Liam came down the isle with a sign that said "Daddy here come's our girl". We also helped Ashley celebrate at her bachelorette party the month before...too much fun is all I will say!

We also celebrated my step brother AJ and his wife Micka's wedding in October.

When you are around AJ and Micka it is so clear that they were made for each other. So in love and each other's soul mates, love was in the air and we were so happy to be there for their big day!

October 30th we welcomed our nephew Kaleb into the fold. This little peanut is quite the fighter! He was born 5 weeks early and was in the hospital for 3 months before my brother and sister in-law finally got to bring him home.

Kaleb is home and getting stronger ever day and has the cutest dimples in the world. Watching Dave and Cassandra become parents was such a cool experience and snuggling our nephew for the first time is a day we will never forget!

October 31st another bestie of ours celebrated a big milestone, turning 30!

Planning a Halloween party bus for Ronna and all of our friends was a night we’ll never forget…seeing my husband in cut off jean shorts is an image I’ll never forget!

Just because we’re 30 now doesn’t mean we don’t know how to get down and have a little fun!

This blog could go on and on about all the amazing friends and family Rob and I have. We are so lucky to be surrounded by supportive and loving people and we can't thank you all enough! This was my favorite blog to write to date because it's packed with amazing memories and fun pictures to remind us of all the good we truely have in our lives!

This leads us to November 2014 which marked the start of Rob and I and the journey down IVF round two. Thank god for rainbows because we were on the verge of another rainstorm. But remember where there’s rain, a rainbow will follow, all you have to do is look!

Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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