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Ignorance is bliss

We took for granted the complicated biology behind making a baby. We so blissfully assumed that we were married, happy, financially stable and ready for a baby so voila one should magically appear and off to the races of parenthood we would go. So we tried, and we tried, and we tried…for a year. We never believed it was anything more than bad timing or everyone’s favorite “just relax, stop stressing, have a beer and it will happen.” Oh how I wish that was the case, and looking back that ignorance was bliss but not our reality.

It took us a year to finally succumb to the fact that we may need a little help. Even then we thought I would go to the doctor and she would find some small thing to change and bam baby time. At first it appeared as though it would be that easy. She gave me a handy little pill called Clomid because we discovered after so many years on birth control my body had forgotten how to ovulate. This pill would put the gears back in motion and we were told a baby would be cooking in the next three months. Three months came and went and still no baby. Hmmmm maybe there’s something more here so back to the doctor I went.

She decided it was time for Rob to come in and get checked out, again we thought it would be a simple check and all would be good in our world. I’ve since learned that Rob and I always chose to look at the positive side in any situation. When things are good this is a great trait, when things are bad however this has set us up for some big let downs. In the midst of this fertility testing we learned two things. One, my husband was very sick with an autoimmune disease called Sarcoidosis which is finally under control but wreaked havoc on his body. Two on top of an autoimmune disease he was also diagnosed with low sperm and motility count. We were referred to a urologist but since he was so sick he needed to give his body time to heal before we could add stress to an already stressful summer. So we waited, and tried and prayed we would never need that appointment. We were wrong, again. Ignorance is bliss.

Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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