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With Bated Breath

Why with bated breath you may ask? Well the meaning of that phrase is to eagerly or anxiously await something…which we have been eagerly and anxiously awaiting for about 3 years now. That something is a baby. This is our story, our real life, the good the bad and the best, with bated breath.

Before I tell our journey in infertility let’s start with my favorite part of this story, the story of us. Ours is a typical boy meets girl love story. Rob and I met in the fall of 2001, we were both working at a local coffee shop, Rob had just graduated from high school and I was heading into my junior year. I loved to use my breaks at work to read which sparked a conversation and some friendly banter. We soon became friends and even went on one date, but when Rob went away for college we lost touch. A few years after this falling out we ran into each other once again at Alexandria's "Awake the Lakes" celebration on May 28, 2005. It was like picking up where we left off and almost ten years later here we are happily married!

My husband Rob is one of those guys that when he laughs he lights up a room. He would give you the shirt off his back if it meant you were more comfortable and literally at times works 90 hours a week to provide for us and our future. We love to travel, even if it’s just a weekend getaway. My husband is known for surprising me with concert tickets and little weekend trips to just get away and reconnect. I work as a business coach and the thing I love most about my job is helping others identify their biggest goals and dreams and helping them create a plan to make that happen. Rob loves it when I use my coach talk at home…not! We approach our marriage with a sense of humor, we give more than we take and most importantly there’s a lot of love here!

So in the fairy tale of life we almost had a perfect score, boy met girl, boy asked girl to marry him she said yes, we made it down the isle and turned a house into a home so naturally a baby should just follow into this perfect plan we had mapped out for us right? Wrong. The old saying goes anything worth having is worth fighting for, so with bated breath we wait, fighting every day for the precious thing we want most, a baby.

Meet Rob & Amber

Welcome to our blog! This is our very personal journey navigating infertility. It's the good, the bad and the best of us.

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